Working from home may be a new norm for many companies and employees during this time. It might be as easy as a-b-c to not lose focus while working from home. On another hand, others may find it difficult to stay productive. Maintaining your focus is the key factors to be able to work productively from work which do require some time and effort to get the most out of it.
To maintain your focus and attention on our work, establishing “do not disturb” hours throughout the day. During this time, you may focus on getting important task done. If you’re not living alone, do acknowledge family or others to not disturb you during these hours. Whether to keep the door shut or curtain close, it helps to create your own bubble work space.
A dedicated space is as important to set your mind in working environment. Be it your living room or your bedroom, setting up your work station will eventually help position you in a productivity workspace. Get a comfortable chair, keyboard pad or even an indoor plant if that helps.
Headphones can be fairly important especially if you’re not living alone. People chatting, tv noises, pets barking, and outside traffic may be the cause of distraction. These distraction can easily caught your attention away from work as well as lower your productivity. A pair of earphones or headphones with your own desire work playlist helps to block out these ambient noise and stay focus on your work.
Setting daily / weekly goals is an essential whether you just start working from home or you’ve been doing it for years now. It drives productivity in a way that you have an important task today be done by the end of the day. Whether you need to get your dirty laundry wash or cleaning your breakfast dishes, this task ought to be done first. Setting daily goals help to maintain your concentration on your important task.